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Precautions For Construction Of Scaffold On Construction Hanging Basket

2017/11/14 09:28:49

Precautions For Construction Of Scaffold On Construction Hanging Basket

"Overview" for the construction of hanging basket operators, first of all, they should pay attention to keeping good health, not have high blood pressure and other diseases, the qualified person can be on duty to operate after training and practice. Before working every day, it is important to be careful to check and prepare for routine inspection of the roof support system including the steel structure and counterweight.

Check the hanging basket equipment and repeatedly carry out the Take-off and landing, check the working situation, and then confirm that it is normal before it works, clean the dust snow and ice residue on the basket. The load on the hanging basket should not more than 120kg per square meter ,each group operators should not more than three people, and should not focus on one end, when lifting basket, shaking the handle at the same time to keep the lifting points synchronized.

Operators must comply with the relevant operating procedures, wear a good helmet, a good seat belt, which should be attached to the safety lock on the top. No drink when carrying out the hanging basket work.

When the construction basket is stopped in the working process, the safety lock should be locked to prevent the hanging basket from shaking. When it needs to be moved, be careful to loosen the safety lock and unlock the traction rope. Security lock must be performed periodically and calibrated when Used more than 1000h to ensure its safe work.

Finally, when using many groups of construction hanging basket at the same time, the gap between the hanging basket should not be greater than 200mm, and the distance from the wall should not be greater than 100mm. When it rains, snows or widely wind blows, stop the construction work. When using the construction of the hanging basket for welding operations, the hanging basket wire rope should be fully protected.
